Saturday, May 21, 2005

Fast as lightning.

Recently viewed...

Runaway Jury, which could've been subtitled Runaway With Any Ounce of Hope Or Faith I Ever Had In Our Justice System: up until the end I was interested (and mortified and disgusted). But then the end came and I felt betrayed by Hollywood... as I am wont to do. And then I found myself distracted with wondering how different the movie would've been had Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman been playing each others' roles instead of the ones they were cast for... He who can do no wrong* was his usual fine self though.

Kung Fu Hustle
: worth every penny of my $3 Parkway matinee admission. And then some.

* Say what you will about Serendipity, America's Sweethearts, Pushing Tin, Conair, etc. Go ahead. I will stick my fingers in my ears and sing LALALALALALALALALA until you are done.


  1. Have you read Chuck Klosterman's essay about John Cusack? I think he zeroes in on the phenomenom (sp?). And he has some choice words for Coldplay (hee!)

  2. Hey Mr Klosterman - jealousy will get you nowhere.

    Actually I got into Cusack because of the Dobler effect but I became hooked when I discovered his passion for (in my opinion) good music...
