Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Zen and the art of OMGSTFU already.

I think one of my favorite things in the entire world is when I'm sitting in a beautiful Japanese garden, watching a waterfall, one that looks a little like this, perhaps, and I'm reflecting upon life and enjoying the serenity and patches of sunshine...

... and someone with a voice modulation problem sits down right next to me and starts blathering about how SERENE AND PEACEFUL THIS REALLY IS NOW ISN'T IT I MEAN IT'S REALLY AMAZING I JUST LOVE THE QUIET IT JUST MAKES ME FEEL SO CALM DOESN'T THIS JUST MAKE YOU FEEL SO CALM AND SERENE?

Ahhhh. I can just feel the peace wash over me as I relive that moment.

The koi in the pond were almost as beautiful as some of the greenery. These two kept passing each other (probably out of sheer boredom)...

... but I watched them for about 10 minutes (also probably out of sheer boredom), and eventually I started humming "Strangers in the Night." And then I had to walk away because I kept laughing at myself and people were starting to look at me funny.

I also visited Hoyt Arboretum today, but the sun kept going in and out and most of where I walked was in the shade so I figured pictures wouldn't turn out too well. But in honor of this "beautiful world of trees for all seasons," I took this photo at the Japanese gardens:

I call it, "One of these things is not like the other."

And now you are humming "Strangers in the Night." My evil plan worked! Mwah hahahaha.



  2. Love the photos!

    And, actually, I'm singing that Sesame Street song in my head. Was that evil plan #2?
