Saturday, June 07, 2008

It's like dancing, only more fun, and you get to hit stuff!

This morning I tried out a boxing class at the gym I'm probably going to join.


Well, the part where we had to put our feet on balance balls and do push ups wasn't so awesome, but anything I can do to build my core for running is a good thing. And the jump rope cardio was interesting... I don't think I've jumped rope since 5th grade. Turns out it's kinda like riding a bike though. (A bike where you have to coordinate between your feet and your hands and your brain, and jump a lot.)

But the part where we got to hit stuff? AWESOME. Even more awesome was picturing George Bush's face on the punching bag and totally wailing on it.

I think I'm hooked. Next step: master this. Anything with the warning, "never use it unless your life is in imminent danger - if you land it correctly without gloves, your opponent will wind up in the hospital more often than not" is too enticing not to try to learn.

I'm not a violent person. I'm not. You just never know when it might come in handy, especially now that my current neighborhood had as many violent crimes in an entire year as my neighborhood in Oakland had in just a month.

Oh, and also? Picturing George Bush's face on the punching bag? AWESOME.

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