Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Pre-Wednesday three.

I fell asleep at 9:30pm last night (which meant that I missed the OT goal, which made me really mad when I woke up on the couch at 2am). Recently this has been a pretty common occurrence. (The falling asleep early, not the Stanley Cup playoffs.) Other than a bizarre, undetected, asymptomatic disease lurking somewhere within the depths of my body, there are three possible reasons why I have been so tired lately:

  1. Nutrition - instead of salad for lunch every day, pizza four nights a week (homemade - but at that point it doesn't really matter) and eating out the other three nights, I have opted to make food. As in, cook. Last night I actually roasted beets.
  2. Exercise - unemployment leads to free time which leads to exercise for me. I've been truly enjoying my daily 3-4 mile run up in the hills near my apartment. The houses are extraordinary, the lawns are perfectly manicured, and there are rarely any people out and about so I can stare all I want. And on days I don't run, instead I hike or walk all over town.
  3. Oxygen - the air is cleaner up here. I don't mean to keep rubbing it in - yeah we're all environmental, nyeah nyeah - but really, the air is just cleaner.
I suspect it's a combination of all three. So today I decided to change it up a little. I'm going to swap out water for juice at least once a day to up my sugar/electrolyte intake. I'm going to eat more carbs, at least while I'm exercising daily. And I'm going to keep up with the daily exercise, but I'm going to make sure I don't run two days in a row and/or more than four times a week.

Maybe someday soon I'll be less tired AND my work clothes will fit again! (Did I forget to mention that I've dropped a size since I've been here eating right and exercising? I know, I KNOW - bring on the mini violins, woe is me, etc.)

I started this plan with a beer and fish & chips at Rogue Brewery, so I think I'm off to a pretty good start...

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