Sunday, June 15, 2008

"It sounds like it's easy and for some reason it's not."

(On becoming an adult. How true.)

If you're ever in the mood for a funny, charming, sweet, "how the world SHOULD be" hour and a half, I urge you - yes, URGE you - to check out Lars and the Real Girl.

It is as much "just" about a guy who buys a sex doll, as Into the Wild is "just" about a guy who goes hiking, or Hair is "just" about some crazy hippies. I laughed, and yes, I cried. About a guy who buys a sex doll. Who knew.

At the very, very end of the movie I had a sudden suspicion that he'd done it all on purpose. But I realized that would've defeated the entire premise. So instead of taking my pessimism out on the movie I opted to change my already-last-minute plans to go see a couple of bands, and instead stay inside and avoid humanity in a blatant rebellion against the whole point of the film.

Now moving The Notebook to the top of my queue, and giving Fracture another shot... I've decided that JT's former roommate needs all of my attention from here on out. I mean really, how often do I URGE you to do something? Get on it!

1 comment:

  1. No prodding needed from you. He has all of my attention!
