Friday, June 13, 2008

Jen(n) versus the volcanoes.

I have a short list of final things I want to do before the job starts. Yesterday I left at 8:30am headed for #1, Mount Tabor. The views were pretty, the park was lovely and the fact that I was standing on/near an extinct volcano was cool (but a bit unnerving). On the way home I planned the errands I was going to take care of that afternoon, but then I saw a sign pointing to Laurelhurst Park, and thought, "OK!" So I cut left and took an hour-long detour through one of the most beautiful neighborhood parks I have ever seen.

I got home at 1:30pm, and after 5 hours constantly moving in my Chucks my feet were not happy with me. One of the errands I planned that afternoon was a trip to the local outlet stores to look for better (but stylish!) walking shoes. On the way to the outlet I saw a sign pointing to Mt. Hood (#5 on the list) and thought, "OK!" So I bought shoes and took another 2.5 hour detour.

The snow is still pretty deep, hence the date on the picture (to prove it to the folks who are melting over on the right coast). But what a gorgeous mountain.

Today I planned to get some work done but spring fever has finally hit, so I'm going to attempt #3 on the list - see as many of the remaining waterfalls in the Gorge as possible. Maybe someday I'll actually get to the errands, the main one of which is grocery shopping. In the meantime I'll take coffee with no milk and pb&js every single day if it means I get to take pretty pictures like these...

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