I just had another one of my ba-rilliant ideas.
There ought to be a web site which allows you to type in the speed you run and your average steps or strides/minute (and/or your height), which then spits out a ginormous list of songs that have beats that follow your pace. Even better would be that the web site or product would be compatible with your iTunes, so that it would import or view all your songs and sort them into playlists based on tempo.
For example, the other day I was running at 5.6 mph doing hill work. I learned that "I Predict a Riot" by the Kaiser Chiefs was the exact, perfect song for that particular run. I have learned this particular fact several times now, but having no way to write this down or save it to a list, I tend to forget until it actually comes up again. The fast part of "Last" by Nine Inch Nails is perfect for my quick speed stints at 6.5mph (or is it 6.7 mph... grr, I can't remember... this is why there oughta be...).
This post brought to you by the fact that I run on a treadmill because I can't keep myself on pace if I don't. If there is such a site already, please let me know. (I did a quick search which produced lots of results from people wanting something similar, but no actual site or product that does this.)
If such a thing does not already exist, I smell a business opportunity! Who's in?
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