Belated Friday five.
Five questions I answered this morning on my most recent online dating site adventure, in no particular order...
From the general questions:
"Q: Is there a God?"
A: Yes, and his name is Joss Whedon. (Except that I can't put THAT answer in, I can only choose Yes or No. I chose "No.")
From the signature weapon test:
"Q: Your ideal weapon has a sharp blade, yes?"
"A: Yes, it parts the air with a finely honed edge." (Runner up: "Not unless they make some kind of... sword ... gun." Because that would be funny looking.)
{turns out my ideal signature weapon is a halberd. "Possibly the most versatile polearm ever made, the Halberd is an elegant mix of spear and staff, remaining relatively light while having an effective cutting edge and stabbing point. Your enemies will never get near you; your personal space will be as unreachable as a faraway land." How very goth.}
From the "Which Chess Piece Are You" quiz:
Q: Which would you rather commit:
A: Investing effort in obsolete tradition? ~ OR ~ Trying to change something that can't be improved on? (Good lord, that's a hard one. I still celebrate Christmas, so I guess I'll pick the first one.)
{turns out I'm a "Knight’s City Guard" - in other words, a PAWN. Greeeaaaaat. But it's kinda true: "Pawns are... often forgotten because they are so reliable... loyal and great producers of quality – which end up allowing others to take for granted what the City Guard gives ... can be overworked and suffer from self inflicted headaches... tend to feel a bit harried by supervisory roles... concerned with harmony and traditional behavior... have a few close friends and are extremely loyal... hate confrontation... the diplomat of emotions and needs... society’s most constructive and protective member."}
From the Are You Weird test:
"Q: Do you like cheese?"
A: OK, what kind of question is that, and why does saying "yes oh hell yes yes" make me weird?
{Turns out I am 48% weird. I can live with that.}
From the Dating Persona Test:
"Q: Two people are arrested for stealing. Person A stole to feed his starving family. Person B stole for himself. Should Person A get less jail time?"
A: This one was hard. In the end I chose "no" because of all the inconsistency that's already in the justice system, and to add even more based on circumstantial evidence seemed like a bad idea... with the caveat, "but the money spent on jailing them both would be better spent on our social services system."
{I'm a sonnet, whatever the hell that means.}
And just for fun, the results from the Ultimate Buffy Test: "Damn. Not only have you died twice doing what you do, but no one understands your burden and you find yourself disturbingly attracted to vampires. You are the ultimate repository of what it takes to be the Slayer, and no one can tell you otherwise. If you don't own all seven seasons on DVD {I do}, it's cause they haven't been released in your country yet. I am in total awe of you, and maybe just the tiniest bit creeped out."
And now some of you want to take the Buffy test. I just know it.
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