Tuesday, September 05, 2006

That's life.

You spend 20 years of your life wrasslin' crocodiles and teasing poisonous venomous snakes, and then one day you're stung by a usually-harmless ray who probably didn't mean to do it, and who probably feels really bad about it.

Kinda makes this whole life thing seem pointless, in a way.

I finally got around to buying a hanging birdfeeder so that the merry squirrels couldn't keep eating all the birdseed. As a result, I spent a good portion of this weekend watching the birds flit and flutter about the birdfeeder. The pigeons haven't found it yet, just the cute little sparrows and other tiny frail winged things. I also spent a lot of time wondering what was going on in their brains. Not the most fruitful use of one's 3-day weekend, but it sure was relaxing.

When I wasn't doing that, or walking/running nine million miles or actively not shopping in an effort to save money, I was watching TV. Several times I saw a new car commercial which has the woman getting up and doing her daily routine over and over, and then she happens upon this brand new fancy car and it's all HOLY LIGHT and HALLELUJAH and THE EARTH STANDS STILL.

I'm getting tired of waiting for my car.

That's life. And so I will make oatmeal cookies for my team meeting tomorrow, and I will consume my weekly ration of pizza and wine, and I will watch Nip/Tuck, and I will go to bed. Lather, rinse, repeat.


  1. thanks for saying something about the Croc Hunter's death that's not entirely about what a nice guy he was. I know he's going to be missed and that he was a good guy. I just think calling his death a freak accident isn't entirely accurate. I mean if I got killed by a stingray, that would be a freak accident. This guy spent his life messing with animals.

    I like him, he'll be missed, but if you get shot at a whole bunch of times, it's no surprise if you get hit.

  2. HE was a freak. His death was not a freak accident.
