Monday, January 24, 2005

Take me home and leave me there.

Today in the used record store, on the shelf over the bins where they display albums they're trying to move quickly and/or they have a lot of, I saw Ani DiFranco next to Celine Dion. Words could not express my horror.

Yes, I was allowed out of the house today. Tomorrow it's on the plane and back to my "real" life of work and committments and responsibilities... To which I say, PHHHBBBBTTT. The more time I spend with my parents, the more I appreciate them (and all their quirks) but more importantly at the moment, the more I appreciate RETIREMENT. This must be what it's like - waking up, having things to do but no real pressing need to do them, and having plenty of time to get them done. I could survive on $15 a week. It would suck - a lot - at first, but I could do it.

In 37 hours I will be back at work. PHHHBBBBTTT.

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