Friday, October 10, 2008

"They've put a net there to catch their fall like it'll stop anyone at all..."

I posted a negative review of this movie a while ago, and I still feel the same way. Today's vote just makes me sad.

I am growing increasingly tired of the various levels of government setting the "reactive" example rather than proactively deciding that, hmm maybe we should figure out why so many people in our country are prescribed anti-depressants, or, gee why the polar ice caps seem to be melting a bit more than usual, or, wow look at all those people injecting themselves with one of the most poisonous naturally occurring substances - golly, maybe we should take a step back and figure out why this is happening. And actually address it.

You know why? Because it trickles down. It sets the tone. Rather, it sets the expectation. I think I have had one experience in corporate life where the root cause was actually examined, thoroughly, and proper actions were taken to ensure the incident would not occur again in the future. The other 90 million incidents have gone unchecked and instead of thoughtfully prepping for positivity, there has been scrambling to deal with negativity.

And that's how this presidential campaign has gone down.

And that's how this recent collapse of the American economy has gone down.

And that's how my job has recently gone down.

And that's why I have spent the past 10 days incredibly, unbelievably depressed about the current state of our country (and the future of our country and my current employment sitch) and lacking any hope that any of it is going to change. Lacking any hope in change we need or change we can believe in. Lacking any interest in watching anything other than 24/7 news, much like the 9/11 days.

Depressed in the truest sense of the word - avoiding people in general and all social situations specifically, distracted at work, sleeping too much... (And likely gaining 10 pounds because of all the alcohol and lack-of-gym and excessive-sleeping that all of this has inflicted upon my mentality. At least I can afford to gain 10 pounds. So I've got that going for me.)

I know I am not alone.

Sometimes it just feels that way.

Thank goodness for Facebook! I posted a truncated status tonight and I've already received a "rationale" status comment and a "CALL ME IMMEDIATELY" message from people I went to high school with. Maybe they have the answers.

I should at least let the "CALL ME IMMEDIATELY" guy know I'm not actually on the bridge and have no plans to be on any bridge in the next three days. It was sweet - albeit a bit confused - of him to message me though.

Who are we kidding... I am really just bitter that my landlord has turned on the uncontrollable-by-individual-renters heat and now I am stuck with less square apartment footage due to the amount of space I need to clear around the heaters, and way too much heat for my already also(note the excellent misuse of "also" which I plan to make a running gag until she is out of the picture)-running-hot self.

But how about that Connecticut Supreme Court also?! Huh?? Huh!! And perhaps the end is near for the woman who can't use the word "also" properly? Also!


  1. I liked this post a lot, I also like her reviews a lot, and so I let her know all this via email.

    More proof that I am not alone.

  2. I didn't find the word "also" in that article (I checked both pages).

    Maybe she's secretly speaking German? Also!

  3. Well, because she wasn't quoted in that article... Also.
