Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Crossing one off the list.

Caught Gonzo at the Laurelhurst last night. Cute theater. Small, and no Parkway, but cute. (Did not try the beer or pizza due to a prior engagement involving mint juleps and three plates of fried food. Shared by four people, but still. Must return at a later date.)

The film was a bit scattered, which seemed appropriate given the subject matter. It made me want to go back and re-read all the Thompson and Kerouac and Kesey and Wolfe I read in my hippie 20's phase. It made me like Jimmy Buffet for a brief moment, and miss Jimmy Carter as a prominent political figure.

Mostly, it made me happy to remember that once upon a time, America actually gave a shit about elections. I'm not convinced that this year is any different than the other election years during which I've been alive.

I want to believe. I do. Just need a sign. But as long as VEEPs are chosen based on which state they will win for the running president, I'm not sold.


  1. I don't know what to tell you about the state of politics, but based on this "prior engagement" I think you've made some wise choices about who to surround yourself with.

  2. Heh. Yes, and by the way I extolled to them the virtues of your excellent mint juleps, too. :)
