Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Early Friday five.

Five questions about - what else - LOST! - because I'm up to season 2, disc 4 and I still don't know what the hell is going on. (Contains no significant spoilers, which probably doesn't matter anyway, because I'm behind compared to all the people who read this, who actually watch the show - and those who don't do either of those things probably never will.)

  • Does Michelle Rodriguez's character go away soon? Please, can she?
  • If the hatch has a trash can, one of those metal flip-lid dealies, what do the people on the beach do with their trash? (I'll skip the obvious - WHY does the hatch, that has been hermetically sealed for eons in the middle of the jungle on some god-forsaken island, have a flip-top metal trash can?)
  • Where the hell is the dog?
  • Where are they taking Charlie's character?
  • Just how many nicknames can Sawyer come up with?*
* Which was your favorite? So far my vote goes for "Mr. Clean", a close second is "Hans and Chewy." I look forward to disc 7 bonus features, where they recount all his nicknames in a montage not unlike this one. Only funny.


  1. Of course I won't answer the questions and spoil the fun.

    But I will say I love the fact that Charlie from Party of Five just disappeared for ten years, only to re-emerge as the EXACT SAME CHARACTER!

    That's one of my favorite things about the show, as annoying as Charlie still is.

  2. PS I don't mean the actual Lost character Charlie, I just call him "Merry" and I call Jack "Charlie", or Jack, interchangably.

  3. Dude, I always call Charlie Merry, and Jack is Charlie. And Vincent is totally my favorite character. I won't spoil, but I'm reminded of this weekend's SNL, when Charlie hosted. A bunch of people started talking to him about Lost, but one girl wasn't up to date 'cause she was watching on DVD, but everyone else kept ruining it! I thought of you, LOL.

    Once you're finished with the DVDs, you should move on to Battlestar Galactica! Seriously.

  4. I never watched Party of Five. But yeah, he's annoying, in a totally "nyeah nyeah I told you this would happen" kind of way.

    Glad to say I have answers to #1, #3 and #4, anyway.
