Saturday, December 02, 2006

But first...

... before I got Lost tonight, because I am in "catch up on shit that people lent me or just give the shit back already" mode, and since it was pretty short and required little effort or thought, and because I haven't thought about alternate universes in a while, I watched The Animatrix.

I have to ask: what is the connection with cats? Cats were featured in two of the Animatrix shorts, and in the Matrix (I) itself there was that one black "deja vu" cat. I also found it very interesting that Her Majesty, who usually only shows remote interest in Discovery shows about big cats, perked up for most of the viewing of the animated series.

And by "interesting," I mean FREAKY.

Google was no help on this one. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Animals are simpler programs. They go wrong easier and are often portents.

    Consider the crows in Matrix Reloaded. They portend Agent Smith's visit.

    Plus, animals are symbolic in a lot of cultures.
