Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Behold the power of positive thinking.

While I was home I had several conversations about my new job. The two I remember most distinctly are the two most disparate conversations, at least as far as my attitude was concerned.

During one conversation I was asked how the new job was going, and the answer I gave was that I was feeling very put-upon in terms of the tasks I've been assigned that I wasn't really warned about beforehand, the personnel issues I've inherited, and the general lack of understanding anyone outside my department has about the work that we do. I was left feeling bitter and resentful... in part because it sounded WAY too much like my former job.

On the drive to my friend's house the day after the first conversation I knew she would also ask about how the job is going, and I decided to take a more positive approach to answering the question. After all, maybe I won't stick it out for more than a year but if I'm going to be there for a year, I might as well make the best of it. And it really is a great opportunity and I've already learned a TON about managing people, influencing change and the organization I thought I knew really well already. So over lunch when she asked, I was much more upbeat (but still honest) in my reply. And I felt pretty good afterward... good enough that I spent about 4 of the 5 hours on the plane catching up on work even though it was technically my day off.

It's really amazing what a difference your attitude toward any situation can make.

Like, yesterday morning I was running on the treadmill and around mile 2.5 I got tired and bored, and I almost stopped. Then I thought about my friend who is 18% done with her trek up the 2600 mile Pacific Crest Trail, and I ran another 2.5 miles out of sheer inspiration from her. And afterward I felt great.

That's it. That's my profound thought for this particular post. I don't even have anything funny to say about it - it's just amazing to me.

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