Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Mindless crap, here I come.

Thanks to David Attenborough, I now know that some version of the weird little cover girl actually exists in nature.

Thanks to GOD, I am finally finished with all my documentaries for a little while. Animals, insects and brothels are interesting and I've learned a lot, and Sir David is really entertaining (especially when he sat there as the meerkat stood on his shoulder, or when he got up in the sloth's face and mocked it), and those kids took really good photos... but along with that comes the grim brutal reality of life and survival of the fittest.

And speaking of grim brutal survival of the fittest... Next up: Saw 2. Suh-weet!


  1. I like lemurs, but those paintings of big-eyed kids creep me the hell out.

  2. It SO fits with the music on the album, tho...
