Thursday, August 25, 2005

I want to live in a van down by the river.

We recently got a survey at work requesting our input about an offsite later this year. One of the questions had to do with motivational speakers - as in, "if we got a motivational speaker, who would you like to hear from?"

It is absolutely killing me not to reply with "Matt Foley." Out of respect for the dearly departed, I shall refrain, but how funny would that be...


  1. Good one!!!! :)

    When we see each other in person, ask me what my responses were. I can't type them here. I don't want to get dooced!

    As for the question, "What are the one or two things that would make this offsite worthwhile to you?" I was thinking of responding:

    1. Alcohol
    2. Alcohol


  2. Haha. That would've topped my list as well.
