Monday, March 10, 2008

This just in...

Today, I do not enjoy being a girl.

In other news, I am officially a fan of this gal on SFGate's culture blog. My current favorite excerpt:

"It's always a delight to watch Tim [Gunn from Project Runway] interact with regular people. He could not look more uncomfortable eating three-bean-salad balanced atop his lap on a stranger's Jennifer Convertible. You can tell he's dying to grab a hag and whisper, Did you see those entryway curtains? My god, they look like Cher's Oscar rejects."

And finally, today a coworker witnessed a burglary in progress so he called the police. I went into a meeting shortly after he called them, and returned to our office a mere 30 minutes later to find two handsome uniformed men getting his statement. It was a little intimidating to be
in the immediate vicinity of all those guns and all that dark blue. But can I just say - your tax dollars DO work.

(Or, more likely, it was just a slow day in Oaktown.)

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