Monday, August 14, 2006

"But mostly I call him Dairy Queen."

This makes me very sad.

But not nearly as sad (and disgusted) as this. (Don't click on it. Just don't. I seriously hope this dude is completely mentally incapacitated. Otherwise... I know people who have guns that I can borrow. And I know how to use them.)

And now for some cute animal cruelty! (Click on this link. Please. Click. Now. It's nauseatingly cute. The 2 min 10 second mark brings you this exasperated beratement from the owner: "Tsk... He just doesn't care.") Well, um, yeah. Because he's a TURTLE. A damn cute turtle.

Yunno... If I had any kind of sophisticated videocam ability, I would soooo be YouTubing Her Majesty's recent fondness for "swimming" (where she lies on her back and waves her arms in the air when I rub her tummy).

Thank GOD I do not have any kind of sophisticated videocam ability.

Somewhat related... I was reading a New Yorker article on the evolution of Wikipedia today, and the founder basically said one of the few checks and balances about posting on the site - content must have been published previously - was developed to ensure that the site didn't turn into people paying homage to their pets.

Appropos of nothing, today's featured Wikipedia article is about cane toads. "Sometimes I call him Greeny, sometimes I call him Red, sometimes I call him Cane..."

1 comment:

  1. dude, that turtle is adorable. it's like he's been possesed by a dog or something! i'venever seen one run when called like htat.
