Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday five.

Five things that made me happy this week, a week where I had pretty much run out of happy, in no particular order:

  • Her Maj is eating regularly, at least for now.
  • This American Life broadcast live in theaters across the nation, featuring a tearjerking (who knew?) story by Dan Savage, very funny stories by Starlee Kine and Mike Birbiglia, a sneak preview of the DVD commentary to Dr. Horrible as told by Joss Whedon (playing piano and performing for more than 9 people for the first time ever!), and of course, Ira Glass. If Sarah Vowell and/or Dave Eggers had been involved I would've died and gone to my own personal heaven. If you missed it, it's being rebroadcast May 7. Totally worth the $20 in my humble opinion. Aside from last Monday's acting class I haven't laughed that much in... suffice to say, a while.
  • I may have found my new volunteer gig. It involves trees.
  • I stuck to my picture-a-day goal. Not everything was captured well, or worth posting or publishing elsewhere, but I found something interesting or beautiful every day. This required creative outlet has been amazingly therapeutic. I won back my iPod after Lent but I still opt to leave it in my bag on the walk to and from the bus (or on the walk home if I have an hour to spare). I notice so much more that way.
  • A guy I went to high school with put out an album that made its way to major record stores nationwide. On a whim I bought it and I like it a lot. I doubt he would appreciate comparisons but if you like things like White Stripes meets 60's pop meets catchy but not overly-so, check it out.


  1. I missed the TAL broadcast (but I do get to see Sedaris on Sunday!). Many of Savage's pieces on the show are quite poignant - coming out to his family, ex-partners and his son. For some reason, I thought that David Rakoff would be appearing but I guess I was wrong. In any event, I'm gonna have to try to catch the rebroadcast.

    And I totally heart Ira Glass.

  2. Yeah, I've heard him be poignant but I've never seen him choke up before. And then make us laugh 2 seconds later. Amazing. Mike Birbiglia's story was hilarious.

  3. And in retrospect, sounds like they needed to come up with $120K this year, and this is how they decided to approach the deficit, so go forth on May 7, people!
