Saturday, April 04, 2009

"Arriving at one point is the starting point to another."

The first quarter of this year has disappeared faster than you can say "holy shit where has the time gone," and suddenly April is here. As previously mentioned, I did a pretty shoddy job on 1Q goals:

  • run 10 miles - collectively throughout 1Q? yes. ultimately? nope.
  • read at least one book a month - yes! January, plus more than one in February (exhibit a, exhibit b) and March (exhibit a, exhibit b, exhibit c)... seriously, people, I think I read one book in 2008 (excluding Buffy comics) so this is really progress, plus I've also theoretically joined two book groups
  • road trip - possibly the Newport Seafood & Wine Festival? - nope... somehow the whale watching excursion slipped my mind during the hard drive cleanup debacle last weekend but it's back now, I'll have to investigate future possibilities
  • and from the list, my first acting class was last Monday... it was weird... but there was potential... we'll see how that goes
It's been a tough three months, between Damn Cat and Damn Job and various other Damn factors, so all in all I'm happy with my achievements. And now, spring is here (at least for the next two days) and it's inspiring.

(One of these things is not like the others,
one of these things just doesn't belong,
can you tell which thing is not like the others
by the time I finish my song?)

But anyway, it is time to declare second quarter goals. The first unwritten goal is to keep reading a lot, but the actual written ones are:
  • Go back to doing one "Portland" thing a week (interested to see how this goes - finding out about stuff is easy, it's the "doing" part that is always the challenge)
  • Try a new recipe once a week (let the record show that I already know this one is gonna be hard - too set in my one-pan eating ways... but I now get Martha's magazine in addition to Sunset so between the two there's gotta be something worth making)
  • Take at least one picture a day, of anything (I've signed up for a Photoshop class which will encourage this - although I've also mentally resigned myself to taking a walk or two during the day at work (rain or shine) where I always take my camera, and I always see something photo-worthy... today I saw an anti-minivan bumper sticker on a minivan and if I hadn't been driving, that would've been today's featured shot)
Ready, set, go!

Title of this post complements of John Dewey.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on exceeding your reading goal! I'm only up to 3 so far this year (boo...). Your post was a kick in my butt to catch up, so thanks for the inspiration. I really like the other goals on your other 2Q list, too. May have to "steal" some of 'em. :)
