Saturday, April 25, 2009

Another sort of (belated) Friday five.

Five things I will regain when Her Maj kicks the bucket*, in no particular order:

  • 20 minutes a day, 10 minutes at 7am and 10 minutes at 7pm, that I spend making and administering her medical concoctions.
  • the desire to live in a carpeted apartment.
  • the 30 minutes I spend vacuuming every week, because she always has shed like a... a... well, like a cat.
  • the ability to go on trips for just the cost of the trip.
  • a lot more sleep** every night.
The biggest thing I will lose, other than an adorable furball full of unconditional love? That would be the perpetual "out" from awkward undesirable work-related happy hours. ("Um, sorry, can't make it, have to be home in an hour to give the cat her meds.")

* You might think this is callous. It's not! You and I both KNOW she is going to drag this out for-EV-er... Damn cat.

** I will say, having a 4-lb cat go to sleep on your belly every night while you read, is much more pleasant than having a 12-lb cat settle there... but still.

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