Friday, November 09, 2007

Friday five.

You know that saying... The one that goes, "the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing?" Well, what happens when the left hand doesn't know what the LEFT hand is doing?

I mean... I MEAN... First it was 1400 gallons, which was appalling in and of itself. Now it's 58 THOUSAND gallons, and "oops we responded too late"? Whose idea was it to let a big freakin' ship try to go under the bridge in low visibility fog in the first place? Those poor, poor birds and animals.

Not to mention, this has seriously derailed my Thanksgiving dinner plans which originally consisted of dungeonous crab. Now I might actually have to resort to Tofurkey. Meh.

(Just kidding, I would never, ever, EVER resort to Tofurkey. But I'll probably eat some other fake meat just to spite all you cow, lamb, duck, chicken and turkey killers out there.)

Unrelated, I've been pulling some "would you rather" questions for an icebreaker activity tomorrow. Top five "would you rathers" that I've come across, in no particular order (in fact, I'm not even sure how I would answer some of these... good thing I'm in charge of the activity!):

Would you rather...

  • be burned to death or listen to Celine Dion music for the rest of your life?
  • see proof of UFOs or proof of unexplained earth creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster?
  • live the rest of your live with crayons for teeth or live the rest of your life with the hiccups?
  • have a perpetual intelligent discussion with a stupid person or a perpetual stupid discussion with an intelligent person?
  • have a lifelong belly-button that dispenses ketchup without warning, or have the American Idol theme song play whenever you walk in to a room for the rest of your life?
Inquiring minds want to know.


  1. That first one is tough. Really tough.

    And for number five, how much ketchup? Would it be sterile, i.e. usable after being dispensed?

  2. Definitely sterile and immediately consumable. Things to consider: horrified shrieks on the subway (for either option), having to constantly walk around with a tofu dog in your hand "just in case."
