Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ah yes, the old "starving children in Ethiopia" rationale.

I've been running my heat since 3pm. It's a crappy little space heater that only heats the area directly in front of it, but dammit, I've been cold since Friday morning. Some people don't even have heat! Why shouldn't I enjoy mine?

I am behind in just about everything, due in large part to a wedding-gift-excursion that turned from a 45-minute errand into a four hour ordeal. As a result, I can either ignore the last four episodes of The Office that I have to watch before I can return the DVD, or I can be diligent, take care of my extracurricular activities in a timely fashion, and watch the DVD tomorrow night.

Guess which option I'm choosing.

Hey - some people don't even have DVD players! Why shouldn't I enjoy mine?

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