Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The winter of our discontent, Week 3.

Better late than never, here is this week's weekly wrap-up of "something actives"...

SUNDAY: more Dems stuff. Much more to come.

MONDAY: called Senators Merkley and Wyden to say thanks. Actually got through to a real person at Senator Wyden's office - how nice to talk to a human being!

TUESDAY: attended our local city council meeting. (In case you're wondering, yes, Parks & Recreation is pretty spot on.)

WEDNESDAY: set up some volunteer recruitment methods for my nonprofit job. (Yes, I got paid to do that. Still counts.)

THURSDAY: attended a local seed swap meeting - no big ag! no farms, no food! Also, wrote letter to REI about their US Bank connection and reached out to my local community college staff about ESL tutoring.

FRIDAY: stopped myself from punching someone in the face at the gym when he insisted that FOX news was "the only real news out there." (That counts, right?)

SATURDAY: worked on the WWOOFing presentation I'll be giving for the local community (no big ag!).


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