Sunday, July 12, 2009

Belated Friday five.

Five mall observations, in no particular order:

  • Wet Seal and Pacific Sun really ought to sell bathing suits. Especially Wet Seal.
  • People older than me should not be taking the "Forever 21" store name so literally.
  • Hot Topic is NOT punk rock!*
  • No, employees of island merchandise stands, you cannot rub something on my hand, ask me what kind of cellular service I have, and/or otherwise interrupt my shoe mission. (I got downright mean at one point.)
  • Cinnabon is pure unadulterated evil.
* Another State of Mind, on the other hand, was totally punk rock. I love watching these bands articulate the sad state of worldly affairs and capitalism in completely brilliant and coherent sentences, right before they go onstage and scream unintelligible lyrics into the mic while slamming into each other. Rawk.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the outfits Wet Seal sells might as well be bathing suits, based on the amount of material they use.

    Whenever I'm at the mall, I go into commuter mode. That is, I wear my sunglasses (even though I may be indoors, and it's obnoxious) and put on my headphones. It's all a ruse to bypass those kiosks.
