Friday, September 30, 2011

Holy crap, it's October.

Hello, Fall! Which means it's out with the old and in with the new.
  • one photo walk a week - ehhh... my intentions were good... see below
  • weekend at the coast - check!
  • survive Hood to Coast - check!
  • anything on The List -#31 should happen any day now... and if this doesn't I have another plan lined up... it's all work-related, but it counts!
I wasn't really feeling the photography goal over the past three months. I won't make too many excuses, but it was pretty darned hot for a while there (and I hate hate hate the hot, so I tend to stay immobile), and there's not much excitement in my 'hood these days (though I did go out of my way to get that one shot), and I think my weekend excursions sucked up all my photography creativity.

Otherwise, I'm quite pleased with my accomplishments over the last three months.

4Q2011 goals:
  • write something, anything, every single day - yes, this goes against everything I believe in as far as these goals are concerned but I am quite serious about this, so even if it's work-related or an email to a friend or FTTDS or a mere 17 syllables, it will count
  • reduce my energy bill by $3 every month - at $32/month it's not exactly breaking the bank, but there has to be more that I can do... like turning my modem/entertainment center/computer power strip off when I go to work and remembering to unplug all the kitchen appliances I use sporadically
  • re-establish my gym routine - after Hood to Coast I completely slacked off, and while this has been good for my wardrobe (which hung off me pre-May but has started to fit really nicely now that I've gained several pounds), it has wreaked havoc on my sleeping habits and general mental health
  • anything on The List!
And here... we... go! What are YOU going to do by the end of the year?

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