Friday, April 01, 2011

Friday five.

The abridged version of this, in no particular order:
  • Day 06 – Buffalo Soldier always reminds me of driving through Yellowstone on my first cross-country road trip. We trailed a group of Harleys for what felt like forever, listening to Bob Marley and desperately hoping they would turn off so we could pass. Just as we reached a breaking point of frustration we turned a curve and saw a bunch of buffalo and heard the first notes of this song. (Yes, I am aware that the song has nothing to do with actual buffalo.)
  • Day 07 – I will never, ever forget watching Pearl Jam perform Indifference the night it was announced that Kurt Cobain had killed himself. (And holy shit, thanks to the magic of YouTube, I don't have to - this is from THAT VERY show. I distinctly remember the candles and the crowd. Wait... they had {really crappy} video cameras in 1994?)
  • Day 20 – Nine Inch Nails is always good when I'm angry. Or frustrated, or bored, or irritated. This song really came in handy the other day at work. I hope his Oscar win doesn't preclude me from seeing him live someday.
  • Day 24 – This is going to sound completely cheesy (and counter intuitive given the other songs I've mentioned), but I would love to have Ripple played at my funeral. I am not a die hard Dead fan or anything, but I really love this simple, peaceful song. (Check out the first comment in that clip - I'm not the only one!) Runner up would be Inaudible Melodies - also rather cheesy, but say what you want about Jack, I kinda like him. Someday I will do a Friday five of "inappropriate songs I want them to play at my funeral." There's a long list. It starts with "Dead" by They Might Be Giants.
  • Day 29 – My mom turned me on to Simon & Garfunkel at a very early age. I knew all the words to Cecilia by the time I was four. Not a very appropriate song for a four year old to know all the words to... but these guys aren't much older, and we all seem to have turned out okay.

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