Thursday, March 31, 2011

Here it goes again.

So, 1Q goals:
  • haiku a day - done! well, for the most part... I cheated a bit by writing a few in one day to catch up for missed days, and I made stuff up for a few of them (I did have a cavity, sadly, and The Illusionist was actually pretty good - but that bookcase sitch? taken. care. of.) but otherwise, 90ish haikus in as many days - not too shabby
  • two books/month - crap, I WAS one short so therefore this one counts, and otherwise done, done, done, done
  • Shamrock Run 2011 - done! possibly a PR for 5 miles too
  • anything on The List - I lived vicariously through people attending SXSW, does that count?
I struggled with figuring out the 2Q goals. I can be overly ambitious with what seem to be wonderful ideas. But then I get bored or frustrated with them, which causes guilt and pressure, and these are supposed to be fun, dammit! So instead of the "song/photo/gratitude of the day" ideas I've been tossing around, I've decided to go with:
  • new cookie recipe every Wednesday - I need a catchy acronym or name for this, something like "DDT - drop diet Thursday" or something... marketing friends are working on this but I'm open to suggestions
  • use at least one Chinook book coupon each week - to encourage supporting local businesses (albeit at reduced price) and exploring more of what my fine city has to offer
  • get ready to run 13.6 miles on July 4 - self explanatory
  • anything on The List
This doesn't mean I won't occasionally post a "song o'the day" or maybe even a "playlist o'the week" now and then. And when spring finally sticks around I expect to have camera in hand every moment I'm outside. And gratitude? It's an everyday thing already. Some days I may even write about it.

You've got 90 days, what's your plan?

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