Sunday, December 16, 2012

Belated Friday five.

Five recipes I've tried and enjoyed recently, in no particular order:
  • I used to love Annie's Goddess salad dressing.  LOVE IT.  It was the only salad dressing I used for years, and I would also use it instead of vegenaise on sandwiches, as a dip for grilled cheeses, with pita and falafel...  (I would only buy it on sale, though, because really, $4.50 for a tiny bottle of salad dressing?)  But then came the food intolerance which meant that in addition to soy sauce, xanthum gum and therefore all store-bought salad dressings were out.  Last week we had some leftover tahini after making hummus and I ran across this simple version (with tamari instead of soy sauce) which was pretty close, although I think this one might be better. 
  • I'm not a big cauliflower fan, but this roasted cauliflower soup was amazing.  We used cream instead of milk and surprisingly, it wasn't overly rich or heavy.  Roast the onions with the cauliflower and add crumbled bacon to take it over the top.
  • Ran across this carrot and leek frittata recipe while looking for something that contained no gluten, potato, dairy, or soy to make for some friends last weekend.  I left the milk out, obviously, but it was really lovely and even looked almost exactly like the picture!
  • Cashew garlic sauce on... something. I can't remember what we put it on, but I remember the cashew sauce I had on the walnut pesto "pizza" at Blossoming Lotus and this was very similar. So easy, so tasty!  It would probably be delicious with the broccoli I'll be steaming to go with the recipe's Wild Mushroom, Lentil and Olive Burgers. Yunno, whenever I get around to that.
  • To my surprise and delight, I learned by accident a while back that corn+dairy apparently doesn't have the same gastronomic ill-effects as other grains+dairy (thank you, Fritos, cheese and September road trip).  Have I not posted this cornbread yet?  How is that possible? I think we're on batch #3.  We just keep making it and it just keeps getting better and better.  This last time, we used bacon grease instead of butter, half-and-half yellow and blue corn meal, and muffin tins instead of an 8x8 pan.  The muffins went really well with the aforementioned cauliflower soup and will be going really well with the Mexican corn soup on the menu for later today.
When I got my "diagnosis" this summer, I told my naturopath that I was excited about the challenge ahead of me.  Apparently, I was the only patient she'd had who'd ever had THAT reaction.  I have my weak moments for sure (hello, crappy pizza I had after that show two weeks ago) and I will continue to taste things even if I can't eat/drink them.  But despite all that, the diet continues to be challenging but fun, worth it for the physical/mental health benefits, and oh so delicious at every turn. 

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