- reheated black eyed peas, zucchini with spices, salami
eaten with a spork, of course!
- Dagoba chocolate bar with Justin's peanut butter (so backpacker-friendly!)
- Pendleton whiskey in Mr Flask
- Bandit wine (so backpacker-friendly!)
Breakfast, day two:
- coffee
- oatmeal with Trader Joe's dried cranberries and vacuum fried bananas (which reconstitute nicely, turns out!)
Five-turned-ten hour hike snacking:
- Trader Joe's dried plantain chips
- aforementioned trail mix bars
- rice cakes with Justin's peanut butter
- Spanish mix from Whole Foods (our pantry is never without these days)
- Cost Plus mini sausages (really gross if you actually think about them, but so tasty)
Dinner, night two:
- see Dinner, night one
the usual suspects getting into the wine
- ginger tea
Breakfast, day three:
- see Breakfast, day two
All in all, not much prep work and plenty of sustenance for the three hour tour... I mean, 10 hour hike... on Saturday. And no tummy issues. Win win!
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