Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sorta late Friday five.

Five bands that rounded out November's musicpalooza, in no particular order:
  • John Wesley Harding and the King Charles Trio - I would've loved more in his solo acoustic set, but it was really nice to see the other Decemberists get lost in some basic, old school rock. It looked like they were having a blast.
  • We Were Promised Jetpacks -loud and tight, just like last time. Not loud but pretty amazing here.
  • Bryan John Appleby - high quality sleepy indie pop. (Check out The Words of the Revelator especially.)
  • Hey Marseilles - yes, again, and they were brilliant this time too.
  • Noah and the Whale - SO. MUCH. FUN.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled evenings in... until December musicpalooza, anyway.

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