Sunday, October 09, 2011

File under: people I would like to be friends with.

Spent way too much time today trolling the internet. Waaaaaay too much time. Most of the people I read about were not people I would like to call friends.

But a handful were creatively inspiring and made me wish I could hang out with them on a regular basis so that we could inspire each other. Examples:
  • Ran across this creation via a mommy/designer blog I follow. (I am neither mommy nor designer; however, I enjoy her stories and storytelling method... However, I would not like to be friends with her. Just the musician.)
  • Was reminded of this, which I got to through a very circuitous internet route starting with Facebook and meandering through sites I hardly ever read (Elle, Us Magazine) and sites I do read occasionally (Salon, Gawker). I used to keep up with his site years ago, before it turned into such an interesting collaborative artistic effort. What a brilliant idea. I hope to contribute someday... but it's kind of intimidating.
  • Everything is amazing right now, and nobody's happy.
  • And finally, this oldie but goodie. I love this lady.

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