Monday, August 15, 2011

Really late Wednesday three.

Three things that did not suck today, in no particular order:
  • Muppets: the Green Album on NPR's First Listen... I love about half the songs and this sentence makes up for the other half: "The kids who grew up with them are now adults and want to give back. We live in cynical times, but listening to The Green Album is a nice reminder of the joy and beauty that remains."
  • deciding that actually? my living room arrangement is just fine the way it is, thank you very much, and scrapping plans to move furniture tonight
  • still hurting from the Kings Mountain hike two days ago
All that said, I do not recommend Sunday early evening beach lounging. It was so hard to leave last night, and I was cranky the whole way home, and I realllllllllly did not want to get up this morning. I've got to do something about this.

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