Sunday, July 10, 2011

3Q goals, at last.

Honestly, I didn't put much thought or heart into this quarter's goals. Heat and/or hormones and/or general meh has been rampant lately. But finally, I have them:
  • one photo walk a week - reading this guy's blog inspired me, not necessarily to take street photos but just to get outside regularly, and now that it's staying light until forever o'clock I have no excuses
  • weekend at the coast - which will probably occur the weekend I've rescheduled (x3) the kayak trip
  • survive Hood to Coast - I offered to be an alternate a few months ago, and mostly hoped I wouldn't have to actually run, but someone's injured and now I'm officially signed up
  • anything on The List
Ready, set, go.

Let's try that once more with feeling. Ready? Set? GO!

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