Saturday, April 09, 2011

Belated Friday five.

Spring(ish) is here, and I'm finally feeling the music vibe again. Here are five bands including three I saw last night and two I will see Monday night, and why I liked/like them, in no particular order:
  • Brainstorm - how in the world two people can make such noise - such coordinated, fun, funky, noise - is beyond me. Not something I would normally listen to, and not something I would probably listen to unless it was live, but I'm glad they were part of the show.
  • And And And - definitely not a band I would pay money to see, but the show itself was a hot mess I wouldn't be sad to witness again. Something about... they made a tape, but the people who made their tape wouldn't give it to them so they had nothing to sell, which there was a synonym for ("I think it's 'bullshit'!"), which sent the lead singer into a "blackout rage" (his words, not mine). Many other amazing lines were uttered between mediocre indie pop songs, much like the Modest Mouse show except that I actually liked their songs. Anyway, AAA were rated top emerging Portland band by... someone. I can't say that I get it.
  • Typhoon - these folks make beautiful indie chamber music (NPR's words, not mine) that makes me really, really happy. Normally I would say that eleven people in a band is borderline ridiculous, but in this case it really works. I am embarrassed to admit how many times I have watched this video.
  • The Lonely Forest - I have already blah blah blah'ed about these guys. Still waiting for the new album to grow on me, which may happen Monday night, but for now I'll stick with what works.
  • The Joy Formidable - I haven't seen them yet but sound clips indicate influences from Blondie and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. That can't be a bad thing.
Unrelated but not really, I've developed a new fondness for bands with more than one drum set. Please pray for my eardrums and/or contribute to my hearing aid fund.

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