Monday, March 07, 2011

Always look on the bright side of life.

So yes, last night I was rudely awakened by some drunk friends of neighbors around 1:30am. I have had serious insomnia issues lately and I finally got back to sleep, briefly, between 6-7am this morning. Here's a recap of the other 4.5 hours:
  • Tossed and turned.
  • Finished the aforementioned well-intended child's birthday present, Masterpiece - the cutest beetle/human friendship story I will ever read. Probably the only beetle/human friendship story I will read... but well worth the time and I'm actually glad someone spilled beer on my backpack at the Decemberists show (beer which soaked through my backpack and this book, which inspired me to read it before trying to sell it back to Powell's so that I could buy a replacement childhood fave to send to said child until I determined whether the original purchase was even birthday-present-worthy). It was. And the grown-up concepts made me want to go back and re-read all my childhood faves to see what I missed the first time around.
  • Tossed and turned some more.
  • Finally gave up and streamed An Education. Carey Mulligan was brilliant and it was nice to see Olivia Williams again but the eternally creepy Peter Sarsgaard was... well, just bloody creepy (when will I learn?!), and the plot was thin at best - really, overbearing critical Dad? You're going to let your 16 year old daughter romp off to Paris for the weekend with a smarmy guy twice her age? Really?? I saw the end coming and the whole film left me with a gross feeling. It would've fit well at the Oscars this year, actually.
  • Tossed and turned a bit more.
  • Had a nap between 6-7am.
I can't believe I'm still vertical almost a whole day later. I made it through the work day without incident and I've juiced apples, pears, carrots, celery and sweet potatoes for the coming few mornings. But I'm not hungry now and that's not good... especially since I'm craving fries and I went out of my way to pick some up tonight.

Between recent events (including crappy nutrition) and tendonitis for ~5 weeks, this Shamrock Run on Sunday is going to be more of a sham than a run. That's a bit frustrating. But awesome interactions with ankle-biters this week,* House (featuring zombies!) on TV right now and the crocus coming up in droves in Portland... yeah, in general, life is good.

* Including a favorite ankle-biter singing "happy trails" as Johnny Cash to every single thing in her kitchen, and the ankle-biter on the bus this morning who did not want to hear the next "Frog and Toad" story because she "just wasn't in the mood" (said in a totally serious and emo way - she was probably three but she became my Monday hero and you'd better believe that I did my damnedest to work that quote into every conversation at the office).

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