Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I should also re-queue The Graduate.

Due entirely to the blistering sweltering heat, I attempted to see Adventureland last night at the local $3 theater with A/C. Got there about 25 minutes before the show, and it had already sold out. Today I learned my lesson, and at lunch I succumbed to paying full price for a showing of 500 Days of Summer later that evening. (So did about eight million other people in Portland. But all of this is neither here nor there, unless you live in Portland and are considering a movie Thursday night, which I doubt applies to anyone.)

This movie (? film? flick? not sure where it falls on the spectrum), featuring two of my favorite people I don't actually know, really touched a nerve. Because I've been both of them at one point or another, I could relate to both equally, get mad at both of them equally, hope for the best for them equally. So that was kind of fun in a "relive all your past mistakes" kind of way. If you like that sort of thing.

The rest fits into a Wednesday three of sorts:
  • The chemistry between them* was pure magic (they worked together on Manic - which I saw a while back, but might need to re-queue) and apparently have been good friends since.
  • The bouncing back and forth chronologically worked for me, and it was especially fun (to my sick, sadistic mind) to go from Happy Day #54 to Miserable Day #477 back to Happy Day #65 and then on to Miserable Day #478. It really did feel like how one would reflect upon a bad breakup.
  • I am buying the soundtrack immediately. Overall the songs were stellar, and the expectation/reality sequence was set to the most perfect Regina Spektor song ("Hero" I believe?), and, well, I need it. So there.
* I could've said She & Him, but I didn't. You're welcome. They both do sing in the story, though.

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