Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I don't get 30 Rock.

I hadn't seen a full episode before today, now I've seen five. I love Tina Fey, I love Alec Baldwin in that role, I love the supporting characters. But I don't get why the show is so popular and wins all those awards. The story lines are often banal or predictable. The only times I actually laughed were scenes where Tracy Morgan says something incredibly inappropriate. Clearly I'm missing something. Or maybe all the stress from cat and work have warped my fragile little brain and now I just want hugs and puppies.

Man. That would suck.

Speaking of...

Five things that didn't suck today:
  • Staying home sick and watching 30 Rock and House reruns all day.
  • Successfully employing a combination of brute force, pill syringe and buttery quartered nasty tasting antibiotic to Her Majesty. It just went down, poof, like magic. Amazing. Each day is a new challenge in this endeavor and the same thing never works twice in a row, so tomorrow will be another fun struggle, but today was a good day. Damn cat.
  • I have gained enough weight back that I can now wear all my clothes without looking like a bag lady, which means that (a) I can restart the gym regimen as soon as I feel better and (b) I will probably have to eat more to keep the weight on if I do start burning 700 extra calories every other day. (I know, I know, woe is me, right?)
  • Another BSG disc in my mailbox this afternoon, which I am off to enjoy as soon as this is done.
  • Um... slow day. Did I mention that I didn't go to work? That definitely didn't suck.

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