Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday five.

Five pet peeves, for the lamest Friday five in the history of Friday fives, in no particular order:
  • people who email me X information, then leave me a phone message to say they just emailed me X information, then they stop by later to make sure I got X information (ummm... YES ALREADY and the TPS report will be on your desk Monday)
  • people who sign their work emails "- Best," (what does that even mean?! especially when it's a passive aggressive email?!)
  • people who take forrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr to make a point and include countless bits of trivial information they've already shared on numerous occassions to make said point
  • people who stand on the corners holding clipboards*
  • people turning right who almost run me over when I start to cross the street on the walk sign**
* This evening I walked home from work and actually went three blocks out of my way to avoid the Pioneer Square "petitioneers." When I do have run-ins with them, I am rude to them, which is not fair because they care about their cause or just want to make a buck, and I always feel embarrassed afterward. But godsdammit, it's annoying.

** Unless someone has a passenger bleeding out of their eyes or with a baby about to crown, this is unforgivable. My friend waves at the driver when this happens. I wish I had her degree of anger management on this issue.


  1. Hmmm...I noticed that all 5 refer to people. ;)

  2. You say this like you're surprised.

  3. I often sign my emails "Best." But only because I HATE "Cheers." Are we British? Are we toasting? Ugh, bugs me. It used to be only pretentious people who did that so I could feel justified hating it, but now some nice people do it too. Infuriating.

    Swedish people sign off "BR" which took me awhile to figure out meant "Best Regards."


  4. New pet peeve: people who sign their work emails with cryptic initialed signatures. Maybe I will start signing mine "STFU, Jen(n)."

    M - I personally have only seen obnoxious non-British people do this. I would reconsider recalling my peeve if I got this from a nice person. So we should work together someday soon.
