Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Not in Kansas anymore.

Spent last weekend in Oaktown catching up with friends and wandering around my old neighborhood. Palm trees and sun and blue sky, oh my. A far cry from fall leaves and rain and cloudy sky, for sure.

I stayed in my old apartment building (at my out-of-town friends' place, not squatting in the hallway as some suspected). It was a bit disorienting for most of the weekend... especially when I wandered into the antique store on a nearby street and saw a Washington Redskins "collectible" plastic hat - I really had to stop for a moment to figure out where I was.

It was great to visit, but coming back to Portland definitely felt like I was coming home.

That made me happy.

Other things for the "things that made me happy" file:
  • my last-minute flaky catsitter came through while I was gone
  • applying for a job - any job - with the Obama-Biden administration
  • plotting a Costa Rica getaway with my travel buddy (can March come any faster?!)
  • my first yoga class last night (I know, I know...)
  • the calm that started last Tuesday night hasn't worn off yet
Boss is back from vacation today. I'm fully expecting a 180 degree mood shift in about an hour. :)

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