Saturday, October 04, 2008

Not really Wednesday three.

I completed almost all of my 3Q08 goals. The only incomplete goal is to get to the Bagdad Theatre. It's not my fault that they've shown crap for three months! But now? Wall-E and Sarah Vowell (please don't be sold out please don't be sold out please don't be sold out) in the same month? I am so there. (Madeleine Albright is also making an appearance this month, but that sounds way too serious and potentially gloomy.)

Anyway, my 4Q08 goals, in addition to getting to the Bagdad:
  • Run 10 miles. All at once, and in less than 2 hours. Hey, I did 8.5mi during the span of the first presidential debate, what's another 1.5?
  • Do something on my "things to do before I retire" list. I have until January 21 to complete something. Anything. The possibilities are endless, but realistically it's probably going to be #22 or #30, or reading one of those books (or swapping them out for another monumental book that is more appealing).
  • Go to the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden. It's supposedly best in late spring so I guess I'll be going back again next year, but I'm hard pressed to find a season when a nice man-made garden with a waterfall isn't appealing. And the fewer people around the better, so unless I am unemployed again in the spring perhaps winter is a good time to visit. Whatever - it's Portlandish and it's free from Labor Day through February. So it's all good.
Why is making these lists more fun than actually gearing up to do something on the list? Sigh.

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