Monday, May 19, 2008

Early Wednesday three.

Three things I still haven't quite gotten used to about my new digs, in no particular order:
  • Not pumping my own gas. I've only needed gas twice since I arrived, and both times I got out of the car ready to grab the pump. Now that I have Oregon plates I have no excuse not to remember.
  • This beautiful thing called "fareless square." I've ridden the MAX train and streetcar many times over the past few weeks, and never needed to pay.
  • No sales tax. I always pull out loose change for $X.99 items only to be handed back a penny. I'm going to have to invest in more penny wrappers.
Update... hmm, maybe I should make a Monday four and be done with it. The other thing I wanted to mention was the lack of post offices. They have these Postal Annexes everywhere, and you can UPS and USPS and all kinds of other stuff (notary, passports, faxes, copies, shredding) and there are mailboxes at least every 5-6 blocks, but hardly any post offices. The Postal Annex people are incredibly helpful, but I kinda miss the bulletproof glass and the cranky old ladies of the Oaktown postal service...

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