Friday, April 18, 2008

Actual Friday five.

Five CDs I bought today instead of buying a Mother's Day gift for Mom, in no particular order:
I'd love to say I bought the MM disc based solely on the title of the album (or based on the combination of the album title plus the song called "Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset"), but that wouldn't be entirely true. It is partly true though - they had a lot of MM discs I don't yet have and yes, I pictured the next 10-hour drive involving repeated listening of this disc. But really, I just love the band.

I did almost buy a bargain bin disc for $1 because the band's name was Early Man... But I feared that I'd listen to it and it would either be lots of grunting and drums, or REALLY LOUD METAL, and neither of those were worth my $1.

And can I just say, I am so back to the real live music store concept of purchasing albums. It was nice to browse through pretty cover art and talk to the checkout guy about the Colin Meloy CD and get a good recommendation for another M. Ward CD I need to find. Of course, I also ended up buying more than I should've and since I'm unemployed I actually have TIME to browse for 45 minutes and chat for another 10. But still. I hope it sticks.

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