Thursday, January 17, 2008

Not really a Friday five.

Five questions you don't see too often on those "fill this out and send it to everyone you know including the person who sent it to you!" questionnaires, that I saw today, in no particular order:
  • Ever been to Alaska? Yes.
  • Ever been on a ship? Yes, on a cruise around Alaska, actually. I guess ferries don't count but I've been on many of those as well, some even in different countries. I do not recommend the ferry from England to Ireland - blech.
  • How many times did you fail your driver's license test? Zero when I was 17, once when I was 23 (when I finally updated my MD license to a CA license - damn all those bike laws that us east coast suburbanites have to study for! How humiliating that was.)
  • What do you do when you are bored? This, obviously. And also watch Buffy/Top Chef/Top Model/Food Network marathons.
  • What do you want to do before you die? Wow... a lot: Visit Antarctica. Go on an African safari. Enjoy my job. Swim with dolphins, sea turtles, and great white sharks (not all at the same time). Drive across Canada. Learn how to surf. Write a book... about something. Fly in first class. Touch a grizzly bear. Visit the castles along the river in Germany. Be a food/movie/TV critic. See people actually care about their impact on the environment and make a conscientious effort to change their ways. Milk a cow.
It's a deep question but it's really fun to ponder. What's listed above are just the things I probably won't ever do in my lifetime but would love to do - it doesn't include things like "visit New Zealand" or "go to vet school" or "buy a house and have a garden where I grow my own tomatoes" which I totally plan to do before I die.

Think about it. What do you want to do before YOU die?

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