Friday, November 17, 2006

Bona fide Friday five.

Five things making me happy right now, in no particular order:
  • O Valencia! playing on iTunes (how can a song about death and gangs be such a foot tapping melodious treat?)
  • one more day of work till no more days of work till 11/27 (boy could I write a Friday five about why I hate work right now, and one guy in particular would be #1)
  • two more episodes of Lost to absorb tonight (still no sign of why the fat guy is still fat... and where the heck is the pregnant chick? I've got a theory - that it's the French gal - and that guy Ethan - no something isn't right here)
  • homemade pizza dough in the oven, making my apartment smell lovely (and homemade pizza will shortly ensue)
  • Cameron and JT are still going strong... at least someone in Hollywood is giving us hope

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