For some reason today I started thinking about where I would be now, had I chosen different paths along the way. And for some reason I was thinking about this in a "Choose Your Own Adventure" format, e.g.:
"During your sophomore year in college, you change your major to one in which you could get a great education at either your chosen out-of-state school or your less costly, less desirable home-state university. Do you (a) continue at your current out-of-state university, rack up ridiculous amounts of tuition debt, but really come into your own because you're on your own for the first time in your life, or do you (b) transfer back to your home university where you live with the folks, save lots of money and play it safe?"
I chose B.
I "wrote" numerous other situations today, but just about everything since then, that got me here (here=physically, mentally, emotionally), hinged on that decision. So this is where I'm supposed to say, "and if given another chance I'd pick B all over again..." But I can't say that.
I guess this is where reincarnation comes in handy.
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