And when the music starts, we open up our hearts.* And so here I go. Speaking of coincidences...
Spent last evening with my coupled friends and a few of their current ankle-biter and future ankle-biter (who is too young and therefore still content to let her dad put her hand in her front jammie pocket in Al Bundy stylie, much to the amusement of others, but mostly to the amusement of her mom who is apparently severley sleep deprived, I would venture to say) offspring.
It was fun. It was weird. Knowing that they all have their spouses/future probable spouses and their life plans which include additional ankle-biters was kinda foreign to me. I don't have such plans (spoused or parental or otherwise) and don't expect to, ever. I am strangely content to be the weird single (in this case, pseudo) Aunt Jenny from the Brady Bunch, who never marries and never has kids but is always there for her family/friends who choose to do those things. Except for when she is running off to India or Zimbabwe or Toronto to save the world.
So there you have it, my future as declared by the monumental-for-my-generation show "The Brady Bunch." Just don't call me Jenny. Pain will ensue if you call me Jenny.
* As quoted from the Buffy musical, "Once More With Feeling." Which I have watched approximately 20 times and have listened to the soundtrack approximately at least twice that. If you haven't seen it, or if for some reason unknown to man and/or your God you don't get the whole Buffy phenomenon, we need to TALK. Seriously.
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