Tuesday, January 24, 2012

And crossword puzzles, and pizza, and whiskey...

best birthday ever
rain - wind - sun - hike - beach - sand - snow
thank you, universe

One step closer to Ludditeville, USA.

it's quite challenging
not letting technology
get the best of me

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Odes to LA.

snowing this morning
got sunburned this afternoon
air travel is weird

i don't like the mall
but even worse than the mall
is the so cal mall

he won't stop talking
god i hate people

punk kids come inside
and pump hand sanitizer
i've seen everything

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday five.

Lots of interesting "lasts" have happened - or are about to happen - this week. Here are five, in no particular order:
  • Last time I will take a moon photo from my stoop.
  • Last time I will hear my neighbor hack up a lung at 6am.
  • Last time it will take five minutes to walk to Fred.
  • Last time I will pay Comcast any more of my money for the foreseeable future.
  • Last time with the crazies on the bus ride in, and last time for the free MAX ride home.
And many more to come. Change is good.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

I'll take "option C" for 200, Alex.

a wise man once said

"hate the game, not the player"

… i don't like either